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Cubes - Picture Stellar

1700 AMD

Brand: Stellar
Product Code: 0828
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Only 9 blocks - and they can make from 9 images, they have small images on the packaging. Offering a picture of the child folded cubes can be used as a first hint thumbnail and later he quickly taught himself to put the whole of the parts, relating the details of the image together. The split images of children are mentioned in the literature of the last century, because it is not just fun and educational game. And if you have a few sets of dice, you can complicate the task of mixing them and offering structured chaos. Cubes image slices can be used in all sorts of games where hidden treasures: all found and folded picture - then won! But all this, of course, after the child has to learn to put them with ease! Yes, and, of course, the child will want these teaching, developing cubes to build their houses, castles, fortified buildings and fences. Why not make one wall with a picture? At the same time, and talk about the architecture ...

It promotes development of visual-figurative thinking, fine motor skills, concepts of objects and phenomena of the world, imagination, visual-motor thinking, spatial orientation, sensorimotor coordination.

  • Material: Polystyrene
  • 120 x 120 x 40m
  • 1+ years


24+ month

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